Miss Mink of 1949


Miss Mink of 1949

is a farce about a woman who wins a $10,000 silver blue mink coat in a radio contest. Because of the coat, the woman acquires champagne tastes, pushes her worker-bee husband into debt, becomes the envy of another woman who covets the coat, becomes the victim of theft, temporarily separates from her husband, and pleads her ownership rights in a wild courtroom finale.




is about a University of Arizona student, whose grades slip when he becomes preoccupied with an intercollegiate rodeo. In addition, the student feels distracted because he’s in love with a young blond woman. When his lack of focus nearly blinds a fellow student in a tragic chemistry lab accident, the student decides to hunker down and study.

Challenge to Lassie


Challenge to Lassie

the story of a stray puppy taken in by a sheepherder, then trained to be a sheep dog and companion. After robbers kill the master, the dog keeps vigil over the man’s grave and refuses to let anyone else own her. But local law requires that all dogs be leashed and licensed by a legal guardian. Without a master, Lassie is a stray that must be euthanized. When Lassie goes on trial, the local pub owner and townspeople come to her rescue. The court pronounces her a free citizen of Edinburgh, thereby allowed to reside in the Church graveyard and keep vigil by her master’s grave.