Copy of original article. Eddie and brother-in-law Takashi “Teek” Kondo By Jack Schemeil, United Press Staff Correspondent PARIS – French film directors and movie-house owners were expressing anxiety at the exodus of at least 30 film stars who are filming abroad from Rome to Tokyo. At latest count worried film personalities drew this picture of […]
Hollywood Story: A Portrait of Eddie Imazu, Art Director at MGM Studios

Eddie and brother-in-law Takashi “Teek” Kondo From: Pacific Citizen, a Japanese-American Newspaper, page 24. Date: Saturday, December 20, 1947. By Alice Sumida. Right you were, when you looked up at the motion picture screen before you in the darkened theatre and stopped suddenly, while scanning the names listed under directorial credits, at the name of […]
Eddie and brother-in-law Takashi “Teek” Kondo From: The Mainichi Japanese-American newspaper. Date: April 27, 1956. Location of a French-Japanese film, “Francais a Tokio,” and an MGM picture, “The Teahouse of the August Moon,” has started recently at Nagasaki and Nara with world-famous stars and staff. The French film directed by Yves Ciampi stars Danielle Darrieux, […]